Thursday, August 19, 2010

Final Post... Or Is It?

Wow, I really got sidetracked from blogging during the last few weeks of the internship, and then again after it ended because I was studying for the RD exam -- which I PASSED, thank you -- and now I'm in the process of trying to find gainful employment.

I'm sorry that I don't have the motivation at this point to go back and reflect on the whole process. I'm both glad and sad that it's over. The intern class had a tearful appreciation ceremony for our incredible director, Debra, and I will miss her and having the other interns in my proximity, though I plan to keep in touch with all of them. Two of the interns are already employed and at least one of them, sadly, is moving away from Seattle for her new job.

So, wow, it's over. I say "wow" again because wow, it's really over! It was relentlessly challenging and an incredible growing experience. Not just the internship, but the process of learning to be a student again, getting through the science prereqs, meeting the challenges of the Masters program, the gut-wrenching internship application and matching process, and then, finally, the internship. Actually, the final hurdle was the test. And here I am. An RD. Woohoo!


  1. Rock on, Registered Dietitian!!! Best of luck in the job search!!

  2. Congrats for passing the RD exam.
